In the 1990s, it was estimated that as much as 25 percent of the world’s diamonds were in some way illicit (used for money laundering, tax evasion, purchasing drugs, weapons and other goods, or were stolen).
Category: Environmental Threats
News and information on various environmental issues Provides data and statistics on illegal wildlife smuggling, poaching, gas and oil smuggling and other illegal markets.
Value of Diamonds for Criminals
Author Larry Kahaner reported on the value of diamonds as an illicit product. Kahaner stated that “Diamonds and other gemstones are perfect for moving wealth around they are small, hold their value, and are universally acceptable as barter, don’t set off airport metal detectors, and can easily be converted to cash.”
Profits Can Reach 800 Percent When Selling Wildlife
The profits for wildlife traffickers can be as high as 800 percent, based on the animal smuggled and the difficulty in obtaining it.
Value of Poached Animals Increases in Supply Chain
According to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the value of the smuggled animal increases between 25 to 50 percent as it moves through the supply chain.
Poachers are geting $35 to $50 a kilo for wildlife
In the 1980s, poachers were getting $5 to $6 a kilo. In the illegal trade in Ivory, poaches earn up to $750 a kilo on the black market.
Amount of Wildlife Seized in the United Kingdom
Over a million plants, live and dead animals, animal parts, and medicines produced from endangered species were seized in the United Kingdom during a 12-month period.
World's Largest Market for Animals is China
China is the biggest market in the world for tiger bone, leopard cat, rhino horn, and sea horse, and imports up to fifteen tons of ivory each year.
Internal tiger trade ban costs China $4 billion
Officials in China has stated that the ban on the internal trade in tiger parts has cost the country $4 billion.
Between 26 million and 73 million shark fins are sold every year in Hong Kong
Source: Mark Henderson, “Taste for fins puts shark on danger list,” Times (UK), February 18, 2008.
50 percent of wildlife crime offenders have previous convictions
In the United Kingdom, the Guardian Newspaper has reported that 50 percent of those prosecuted for wildlife crimes have previous convictions for serious offenses such as drugs and guns.