Havocscope is currently accepting proposals from advertisers looking to promote their products to Havocscope’s readers. With over 100,000 unique visitors a month, Havocscope offers advertisers a global platform of readers with a wide variety of interests.
Havocscope’s data has been used by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, security services and law enforcement agencies, as well as numerous books, blogs and news reports.
To see the complete traffic breakdown and demographics of Havocscope, please see our Quantcast profile at https://www.quantcast.com/havocscope.com.
Types of Ads Available:
300X250 located at the top of the right sidebar. Ad is visible on every page displayed.
300X250 located at the bottom of the sidebar. Ad is visible on every page displayed. (Ad unit may also be made to 120X600 or 120X240).
728X90 located at the bottom of each data post. Ad is only visible when a single post is displayed. Although it does not have the same amount of pageviews as the sidebar ads, the click through rate is higher for these ads.
728X90 located at the top center of specific prices pages, market pages, or countries: We will allow advertisers who wish to target a specific country, subject or activity on our website to place advertisements on those pages. These pages target readers who have a specific interest, such as human trafficking statistics or wildlife trafficking and protection. However, please be aware that the pageviews for these pages may be very small, depending on the subject.
The minimum time frame to run an ad is one day, and the maximum will be 1 week. As we are just beginning to accept direct advertising, the rates that we will be charging is very low as we would like to encourage our readers to advertise with us. Whether it be authors, bloggers or non-governmental organizations, our rates will easily fit to your budget. We will also be willing to negotiate ad rates based on your budget.
How we run ads:
Havocscope utilizes the Goggle Adsense Direct platform to accept advertisements and payment. This allows our advertisers to have trust that their payment information will be secure, and that the options to cancel or refund the advertisement will be readily available for any problems. Please be aware that in addition to Havocscope approving the ad, Google will also review the advertisement and the website destination. The ads will be hosted and served directly by Google. Payments are also handled through the Google Adsense Direct platform.
To learn more about the advertising platform that we use to run your ads, visit the Google Adsense Direct FAQ page.
Contact us:
If you are interested in advertising with us, please send us an email at advertise@havocscope.com for more information. Let us know where you would like to run your ads, and we will give you our ad rate. Once we decide upon a price, we will send you a link to the Google Adsense Direct page where you will upload your ad. Once it is approved by Google and the payment is processed, your ad will begin running on the date that was agreed upon.
Hope to hear from you soon.